Turning 40 – A Monthly Update

I turn 40 this year. According to social norms, this is supposed to be a huge milestone. I mean, just google “Turning 40” and you get a whole lot of related posts. There are images, cartoons, catchphrases and standard jokes about it. (sorry, I don’t see why the punchline only works for 40 yr olds???)

I mentioned previously about how I feel about turning 40. Since then, I’ve had conversations with fellow 40-ers, pre 40-ers and post 40-ers. I came up with an initial bucket list for the year. Since this is a work in progress, I will update the list monthly and use this blog to be accountable!

And here’s my list thus far:

1. Go on a full 40 days of prayer & fasting I’ve always wanted to do this, but kept putting it off, or simply made excuses for it. More on this later, when it is done!

Prayer-Fasting 1

2. Go for FOUR 10KM runs Since I don’t intend to go for a full marathon (that’s 42 km), 4×10 would be quite good considering my non-athlete self

Running shoes

3. Sign up for a complete Belly Dancing Course Why Belly Dancing, I don’t know. But I wanna try out something totally un-me, and I figured at 40 yr old, I better have enough self confidence and assurance to try out something like this and not be afraid of being laughed at. 

belly dancing class

4. Try out 40 recipes that I’ve never done before This means no Chocolate Cake, no spaghetti, no Cheesecake, no roast chicken etc etc… you get the idea. 40 totally never-done-before dishes

Recipe cartoon

So this is my list as of Jan 2015. Join me if you like, (esp if you are turning 40 too!) I’m going to do stuff that just challenge my confidence, my values, my discipline and a bit of my time. Definitely won’t be going for those travel round the world, feed a dolphin or bungee jump type.

If you have a bucket list for 2015 (even if you are NOT turning 40), please tell me about it! I would love to hear about it, and would be so encouraged by it! For those turning 40, you can add this at the end of your post:

Mum's the Word
 We are keeping this 2015 Bucket List linky open for the entire year! Join me to celebrate!

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