Thank you Mr. Lee

I’ve not traveled the world. But I’ve seen how life is like in the most democratic nations, had a glimpse of that in the most repressed ones. At the end of the day, I still wanna come home to Singapore.

The fact that I can put on my jogging shoes late in the night and go for a run alone, that my kids have a well rounded education and is supposedly of a higher standard than their peers around the world, that we own a roof over our head, and so much more… is a tribute to the Founding Father of Singapore.

Early this morning, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew passed away. On my way to work, I had my ears glued to my earphones to hear the radio. After work, I watched the running tributes on TV. The tears rolled unashamedly as I heard the old quotes, and my heart swelled with gratitude as history flashed before me.

I’m a history student and I always knew our little island became the Asian Tiger because of his foresight and leadership. BUT I never knew the extent of the resistance he went through and the depth of the sacrifices he made until today. Somehow, the tributes brought out the essence of those hard decisions he made. Somehow, I finally had a glimpse of why he said what he said in the last official biography that was written about him.

I’ll leave with this quote. And I must say Thank You Sir. Thank you.


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