Tag: <span>geo:lat=1.355274</span>

Lifebuoy Secret Wash–Colour Changing Handwash

Nadine started a new Bollywood dance recently! And all for a good cause! She learnt the Lifebuoy Secret Wash simply by using the Colour Changing Handwash! It is so cool! You see, to Nadine, clean hands means dirt free and stain free. As long as her hands look clean to the naked eye, it is…

Whatsapp’s Ticks, Last Seen As, Online Status–What they Mean

This is an updated post on WhatsApp and their ticks, Esp the new blue ticks! Do you use WhatsApp? I do! And I love it! It’s the *ultimate* means of communication to my family and friends. My parents have Whatsapp, we have a Family Group chat, and many many photos and video clips have been…

Choosing a Primary School–Most important criterion

It’s time for Primary School registration in Singapore. This highly stressful period is part of the coming-of-age ritual that all parents go through. Having been part of the education system as a student and as an educator, I fully fully empathise with all the high strung emotions and worry. After all, the decision which school…

Choosing a Baby Name

  Following Sandra, I’ve decided to dig out this draft which has been effectively forgotten and post it! Here’s how I came up with my kids’ names! It all started when we first decided to try for a baby. Since the baby was no where in sight, we had conversations about what we would call…
