Tag: <span>geo:lat=1.355274</span>

Mandarin Oriental Bangkok–The Service & Rooms

We just came back from our family trip to Bangkok. Before we went, one of the first questions we faced was “Which Hotel are you staying in?” Everyone had a hotel to recommend. (Bangkok is one of the most travelled cities for Singaporeans) Well, when we told them the hotel, nearly all had same response,…

Using S.U.R.E. to verify information

Recently, we had the opportunity to teach our kids about verifying information online. It was really quite an experience! And it had to do with Katy Perry. On Sunday after church, Nicole told us that one of her church friends told her that Katy Perry was involved in a plane crash. And, her boyfriend died….

The fear of Travelling With Kids

We are away for a holiday overseas. And the first thought to that is, Wooohoooo all play, no work, new culture, shopping and great food! Yes to all that, and more….this means 24/7 with the three kids. Literally. I have a fear. It comes when I travel with the kids. The kids are young and…

Giveaway—Missy Stella, A New Fashion Online Shop

There’s a new fashion shopping site for us women! When I heard about it, I honestly thought, “oh man, another one?” I’ve heard of some horror stories of online shops, and the main complaint is always over promising and under delivering the products. But this new site—Missy Stella—is a little different. And I mean, really…

Do Not Call (DNC) Registry Sign Up

The Do Not Call (DNC) Registry is up! After all that waiting, we can now register online. Here’s how you do it! Click on this link to the DNC registry to sign up . Click on <Register Online> and key in your mobile number. Remember to click on the option you want: No Voice Call…

What Is In Your Phone’s Address Book?

Not ago, a good friend showed me a message that her husband sent her in her mobile. I was pleasantly surprised at what she saved her husband’s name as in the phone—“DEAR DEAR” I was surprised cos this friend is quite a prim & proper lady, and I wouldn’t have thought she would use that…

Cook with Philips AirFryer-Full Course Meal

The latest buzz in blogsphere Singapore is the Philips AirFryer. Imagine cooking food with 80% less fat, done in super quick time, and while retaining the moisture and juices of the food! I love it! The AirFryer fries, bakes, grills and roasts. It does meat, veg, fish, and all the yummy desserts! When I saw…
