Tag: <span>geo:lat=1.355274</span>

Daily Morning Routines for Primary School

Today is Day 4 in school for Nicole & Nathan. As expected, things are slowly falling into a steady routine. The kids pack their bags the night before, get school uniform ready, put their shoes and socks by the door and go to bed. In the morning, again, as expected, there’s gnashing of teeth, grumpy…

Pocket Money & Allowances for Primary School

Today is the first day of school. Nicole is going Primary 3 and Nathan is going Primary 1. One of the most important things about starting school is POCKET MONEY or ALLOWANCES! Yup, money talks even at this young age. I’ve contemplated about this for a while. Should we give daily allowances? How about weekly?…

Giveaway: I Theatre’s The Ant and The Grasshopper musical

Ever heard of The Ant and The Grasshopper? This famous Aesop fable about hard work and planning for the future is an excellent tale to tell our kids at the start of the year. And the best way to go about it? A musical! Yes, I Theatre’s first production for 2014 is here, and it’s…

Baking with Philips Avance XL Airfryer

I’ve had the Philips Airfryer for just over a month and I couldn’t resist doing this little experiment! I baked cupcakes in the Airfryer AND in a regular oven! Yup, I wanted to do a taste test, texture test, look test and what have you, to find out if there’s any difference between the two….

Mandarin Oriental Bangkok–Family Review

Have you seen the wonderful hotel we stayed in Bangkok? Here’s the Review on Mandarin Oriental Service & Rooms. I thought for Part 2, I’d share why it is a family friendly hotel. First up. Read this from The Nation, 29 Nov 2013, Best Summon the Butler How’s that? Best hotel in this planet! Wow,…

Post Christmas

Christmas… the most wonderful time of the year! What a great time we had with our family and friends! And what a super time we had feasting and feasting! And what comes next? For us, it’s a super holiday for the entire family… Yes a SUPER holiday before that dreaded day when school starts on…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…Everywhere you go… Our Christmas tree at home is up with Silver baubles, Silver hearts, Silver raindrops, Silver stars… we have them frosted, matt, and shiny. It looks beautiful, really. Take a look in the five-and-ten…glistening once again… So begins our Christmas shopping. I started this list, that…
