Tag: <span>geo:lat=1.355274</span>

Laser Tag Party at Polliwogs

I’ve three kids. The challenge to have a wonderful, fantastic, never-done-before birthday party is always ever present. (Am I alone in this?) And it’s really tough when there’s only so many magicians we can engage! Thus, we were presently surprised when we came across a Laser Tag theme party from Polliwogs! Honestly, when I first…

Family Portraits at Studio.Me

One of the most fun things that we did last month was to head down to Studio.Me at City Square. With the advent of the Digital Camera and “Selfies”, adults and kids have developed a love for the Camera. Coupled with the power of digital backgrounds, Studio.Me has brought a fun dimension to taking your…

Liferacer Thermal Swim Wear

I have a phobia. I’m scared of water. Not drinking water. But water in a pool, water from a water gun, water that sprouts out from pipes and fountains. I’m afraid of the cold. Yup, I can’t take the initial cold when my body first touches water. (that’s why I shower with real hot water)…

How Do I Love Thee?

How do I love Thee? Let me count the ways. This is one of the most beautiful lines ever when a beloved declares his/her love. I’m no poet, I’m not even an English major. But I’m a lover and I am loved. So how do I love you, Edmund Tay, Let me count the ways….

Keeping the Internet Safe for Kids

Help! I can’t even keep up with all the new apps and programs and websites that are popping up every day! As a parent in this fast changing Internet world, it is impossible to take a superior stand and just do a blanket lockdown with the kids. How do we make the Internet safe for…

Nurturing Parenting Seminar 2014

Every parent seeks to be the best parent ever. And while we search around, google or read academic studies, we would realise there are many different parenting styles around. One popular style is Nurturing Parenting. This method is a family-centered initiative designed to build nurturing parenting skills as an alternative to abusive and neglecting parenting…

A Mother and her boy

I’m a mother of three kids. I have two girls and a boy. Today, I wanna talk about the boy. This is Nathan, a precocious little one who is most sensitive and endearing. Beneath that slight smile, is a boy who really loves God, who looks out for his sisters, who shares his food and…
