Tag: <span>geo:lat=1.355274</span>

Bespoke Jewellery–What An Experience at Adeline’s Loft

I love necklaces… especially when there are really nice ones going for less than $20 at various large chains. And for something a little more special, you can get trendy ones from shopbop . Then I hear of creative ones who can make their own jewellery! (Now, this is really a wow for me. I’ve…

15 April in the Tay Family

Today is Tax Day in Singapore, United States and Philippines. It’s also the founding date of McDonald’s Family Restaurant. Sadly, various disasters happened on this date: The Hillsborough human crush in the FA Cup Semi-finals, The start of Tiananmen massacre, and the bombing at Boston Marathon. All these events on 15 April. For our family,…

Sponsored Video–RBX Beauty Patch

Have you heard of the latest product by Dove? Specially made for women, it’s called RBX Beauty Patch. The patch is a simple round patch stuck on your arm. It is developed to enhance the way women see their own beauty. All you have to do is to stick the patch on your arm for…

Let It (THEM) Go!

Ok. This is NOT about the song. And I do apologise if I got you humming it again! This is about when do you let your children be on their own. I’m not referring to moving out of your home. I’m not referring to going off to college. I’m not even referring to walking home…

GIVEAWAY: Treasures of the sea-Seafood Buffet Dinner

Are you a seafood fan? Do you LOVE fresh sashimi, crabs, prawns, lobster etc ALL in one meal? And do you enjoy a huge variety of food presented before your eyes? We just went for one such buffet—The Treasures of the Sea at Plaza Brasserie. It was YUMMY! I must admit that before I stepped…

Jan & Elly Phonics Readiness Class

One of the chief concerns that a K2 parent has is the reading ability of the 6 year old child. Yes! In fact, I would say it is a PRIMARY concern for most parents. You see, the reading ability would somewhat determine how the child copes in Primary School. Somehow, we’ve come to equate READING…

I Am a Dr. Mummy

I have three kids. And as much as I want to keep them germ/virus/bacteria free, they aren’t. So when they fall sick, they ALL fall sick. (that’s best case scenario) The worst case is when they take turns to fall sick. Besides having sleepless nights to monitor the sick child, ensuring that the temperature doesn’t…
