Tag: <span>geo:lat=1.355274</span>

Better Together with OREO

We love weekends! No, let me rephrase. We really really really love weekends! The obvious reason is of course because it’s SW-free! No School and No Work! Everyone is at home and there’s no worries about up-coming tests or deadlines. However, the 48 hours can go by very quickly. If there’s nothing planned, Sunday nights…

Immediately After Work… for a FTWM

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to grow up and start work. It looked real fun, dressing up and carrying a handbag and taking the bus to work. My mummy was a Full-Time Working Mummy (FTWM), she was such a good one that my sis & I wanted to be like her! Then…

Act 3 International Holiday Workshops

All kids love storytelling! Especially when there’s stuff to do AFTER the storytelling. (We know that this also means they remember the story better!) So it was with great anticipation when the three of them marched off to the latest Act 3 International’s workshop for children–There was an old lady who swallowed a fly!” Held…

What to Eat On Your Way Up Mt KK

I’m 10 days away from the Big Climb up Mt Kinabalu! I’ve worked out what to wear and this weekend, I will start shopping for what to EAT while hiking up! EATING I used to think that hiking up a mountain trail can’t be that difficult. That’s because the only ‘mountain’ I’ve been exposed to in…

Le Noir – The Hit Cirque is Back!

We were so excited to hear that Le Noir is back! When we watched it last year, we were so blown away by the entire show. For this year’s show, we decided we would bring Nadine, our family gymnast to watch it! All the acrobatics put together in a theatrical performance would be an eye-opener…

Top Movie to Play on Road Trips

We just went for a one-week road trip to Malaysia. In preparation for the travelling, we did the usual. Bought lots of snacks, drinks, tissues, wet wipes to stock in the car. As the car we drove had a DVD Player with two lovely rear screens, we knew we had to bring along some good…

3 Steps to Get a Perfect Photo with Kids

We all want our kids to look at the camera during photo-taking. We also want them to smile. And we want them to keep their eyes open. And we want them to pose, sometimes. And what’s worse, sometimes, there are more than one camera aimed at the child. Or we take multiple shots (once with…
