Cook with Philips AirFryer-Full Course Meal

The latest buzz in blogsphere Singapore is the Philips AirFryer. Imagine cooking food with 80% less fat, done in super quick time, and while retaining the moisture and juices of the food! I love it! The AirFryer fries, bakes, grills and roasts. It does meat, veg, fish, and all the yummy desserts!

When I saw the AirFryer, my first thought was, “uhoh… this little thing can help me in the kitchen?

Then I heard many MANY MANY raving about it. I was hesitant honestly. Cos I didn’t know how it worked! Frying without oil? Giving you crispy crunchy skin without oil? I know we can bake fries and bake chicken, but you get that crispy bit only when it’s close to burning. But this AirFryer gives you that finish without the burnt!

Last night, I decided to take a leap of faith. Trusting everyone and their praise for the AirFryer, I decided to prepare dinner using just that. (Except Rice Cooker for rice, and Pot for soup) EVERYTHING else was prepared via Philips AirFryer.

I prepared 5 courses (so so ambitious!!) and learnt some valuable lessons along the way. Look at my dishes first! (excuse the presentation, dinner was served at 8.30pm, no time to beautify!)

A Kebab


C Chicken Wing

D Salmon

E Fried Portobello

Verdict: It was really so so easy, and mess free.

Important lesson learnt: NEVER attempt to do a full meal with just one AirFryer. That’s way too ambitious for a noob like me! But everything turned out very nicely. All the meat juices were sealed in, food was crisp and retained the original flavour. AND we could eat a LOT cos the meal was considered light. There’s no OILY FATS to fill the tummy.

My favourite bit? Kitchen was real clean! I only had to wash the AirFryer Basket which was non-stick. The floor and the walls were grease free! woohoo!!

Here’s my recipe for the absolute favourite dish that night: Grilled Chicken Wings!

Grilled Chicken Wings
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
Healthy grilled chicken using Philips AirFryer
  • 18 pieces of chicken wing
  • 5 tbsp of packed brown sugar
  • 1 clove of chopped garlic
  • 1 tsp of sea salt
  1. Marinate the chicken wings with all the ingredients for at least 1 hour
  2. Preheat AirFryer at 170C
  3. Put chicken in AirFryer to grill for 20 min

Cook with Air today! Quote Mum’s the Word and buy Viva Digital Airfryer at $399 + $50 shopping voucher (Usual price: $459) and Avance XL Airfryer at $479 + $50 shopping voucher (Usual price: $539) at the PHILIPS EXPERIENCE SHOWROOM. This promotion is valid from 1st December till 31st January 2014.  *Limited to 1 Airfryer per person (IC must be produced).


Address: 620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Building TP4 Level 1 S(319762)

Tel: 6882 5800

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00 am – 7.00 pm Saturday: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm. Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.

The Viva Digital Airfryer and Avance XL Airfryer are also available at regular price in leading electronics stores, departmental stores and supermarkets island-wide.

Dis­claimer: I received the Philips Avance XL AirFryer for review, and this is a part of a series of posts on the newly launched Philips AirFryer. All opinions are 100% my own.

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