Review: Thinkersbox—Learn to think, Think to learn

Remember Thinkersbox? This is the really revelational centre that showed me if your child was really lazy and inattentive. We sent Nicole for an assessment there and she’s now attending their 10 month programme. It was time for a review, and parents were invited to observe the class and find out what happens during the…

Fit & Fab Friday: My conversations changed

In my endeavour to be Fit and Fab, I said some things that I never thought I would say. It shocked me when I uttered those words, and mind you, it shocked everyone who heard too! The following phrases and sentences were used just this week! WAH!!! I slept in today instead of getting up…

Therapy 101: The Dance Performance

I’ve received some lovely emails and comments about Nadine and I thought should do one post that made me a super proud mummy. Well, Nadine, with all her therapy sessions have improved tremendously. And here’s a short video of her performing during the school’s Chinese New Year concert. Check out her smile and her enthusiasm!…

Review-i Theatre and The Little Red Hen

We went to watch The Little Red Hen over the weekend. And it was fantastic! The songs were catchy, the moral of the story was approved by all parents, and there were really some funny jokes! Ok. To be honest, some jokes were quite lame, but look at the kids’ reaction! PRICELESS! The entire performance…

Review: Porcelain, The Face Spa

I’m not a facial person. That is, my face has only felt the regular cleanser/toner/moisturiser with the occasional mask and scrub. It is totally unfamiliar with exfoliation, steaming, face peel, extraction, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve nothing against facial. I just am not a fan. So when Porcelain, The Face Spa offered a Restorative…

Fit & Fab Friday: Serving Sizes are important

Healthy Diet. I always thought as long as the food’s not fatty or oily, as long as it’s not carbo loaded, not sugar loaded, not salted excessively, it is healthy. W.R.O.N.G. Of course I’m wrong. Any fool Anyone can tell that quantity does make a difference. Sigh.. I just only finally realised this! You see,…

Wave Goodbye!

There’s this thing about waving bye bye to your child. It starts when the child can barely speak. I’m not sure why this is one of the very first milestones we expect of our kids. Mind you, it’s not just “WAVE at mummy!” it’s a “Wave BYE BYE!” Poor kid, after achieving this, we actually…
