Muay Thai in Bangkok–Lumpinee Boxing Stadium

Bangkok is one of the top destinations for Singaporeans. There have been countless reviews of things to do, places to go, food to try. In our last visit, we tried to cram in all and there was one MUST DO for all when you are in Bangkok. Go for a full Muay Thai Fight Night at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium. Fights are on every TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 8 p.m.

I must state first that I’m not a Muay Thai fan. I mean, I’ve not even watched a match before this trip! But this is one huge martial art from Thailand and it makes sense to watch it live where it all began! It’s also different from the free fights that shopping malls show case in their arena. This is the real deal!

The show starts at 8 p.m. and ends at 11 p.m. This is my view from my ‘tourist price” seat:

2013-12-07 20.16.32

About tickets. Do NOT get your tickets from the hotel. There is a mark-up because they get a good commission for it. We went to the stadium (Via train. Easy-peasy) and there were MANY touts with various coloured vests outside the stadium. Each colour represented a ticketing company. Each company is allocated seats in the stadium. It’s quite safe to say that it doesn’t matter which company you buy from, cos all seats are quite good.

lumpinee tickets

As the entire night is very good, I would recommend staying for the entire duration. That means sitting seats rather than standing. (it seems standing places are only for Thais at special local prices).

Lumpinee Seats

Btw, the local crowd at the standing area is entertainment on its own. They are loud and as there are some form of betting going on, they get very excited cheering on their fighter. It adds tremendously to the electrifying atmosphere in the stadium!

When you get tickets, the sales ‘consultant’ will quote 2000thb per seating ticket. We were deciding between sitting or standing, and suddenly, the lady offered us 3500thb for two tickets. That’s when we realised the tickets are not at fixed price!! Alas, we couldn’t bring it down further. 🙂

Now, in the stadium, it’s clean and brightly lit. Not dingy at all. I saw some interesting signs:

Lumpinee signage

Naturally, I didn’t go anywhere close to the stage!

During the night, there were 10 fights in total. Throughout, you can order beer at very cheap prices, and snacks. It was really very much like watching any sporting event! The matches are all very exciting, and out of 10, we watched 6 which ended a knockout. So that’s much action!!

I’m leaving you with a short video (6 secs!) of a Muay Thai knockout. Enjoy!

Lumpinee Boxing Stadium is located opposite Lumpini MRT station. You need to walk down the street, and walk across via a overhead bridge. It’s a 10 min leisure stroll to the stadium.


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