5 Reasons Why Your Child Would Love a Jumpy Plus SMART Watch!

What’s your take on Mobile Phone for kids? I realised there are three broad categories of parents’ response to this question.

  1. You can’t wait to give your child a phone so that you can always keep in contact with him. In fact, you would love to give the bestest possible model so that he won’t miss out the latest games and apps. After all, one can’t live without a phone now!
  2. You say No. It’s a NO NO NO phones for kids. It’s an invention for the above 21. Your kids are unable to handle the social media demons and pressures. If they need to contact you, they can use 10 cents.
  3. You are waiting and playing the delay game. For as long as I can… until it is absolutely necessary. Or until Aunty Mary buys one for her son, or till Uncle Peter gave one to his daughter…

For our family, we are somewhere in Cat 2 and 3. Yes, Nicole tells me, she’s possibly the only 12 year old in the entire world who still doesn’t have a mobile! (You can imagine she gets plenty support from Nathan and Nadine! Blessed is he who breaks the first barrier!)

Well, then I have a Nadine who has a most amazing schedule because of her therapies and extra classes. She has to travel for various activities after school. She has taken nearly every MRT line last year (think NEL, Downtown, Circle, North South and East West line!) It was difficult to find out where she was if she’s not without a mobile device. And I was not ready to move to Cat 1 for mobile phones with her.

So a friend asked us to try a smartwatch for the kids. And it is a HIT! We tried this ultra smart (really very smart!) Jumpy Plus Smartwatch! It’s a watch but has the key features of a mobile that a parent like me would want! I mean, besides the usual Voice Call, Voice Notes, and Messaging, here’s why kids (& parents) like the Jumpy Plus more than a regular mobile phone!

Here are 5 reasons why!

A.#Mummy, it’s so COOL!

The Jumpy Plus is designed for kids from 4 to 12, and it’s on their wrists at all times! (not like that mobile phone that can be stolen or dropped into the bowl!)

Jumpy Plus Time


They get a kick out of customizing the themes and alarm notifications especially! Nathan recorded the Wake Up alarm for Nadine and it says, “You are taking TOO LONG to Wake Up!!!” Every morning she wakes up to that! hahaha!

One game Nadine loves is the Pedometer in the watch. It counts her steps! and the more steps she takes, it feed this Pet Dog in the watch! It grows and collects points! What an awesome incentive to get her to walk a bit more, exercise that bit more! And there’s more than one game for Pedometer tracking! Love Love Love it!!

Jumpy Plus Feed Me

There are plenty games on the watch as well. And it’s not those mindless games, but educational ones like Story Telling, Motion games like playing a sport or music instrument. Really very cool!

And the more boring stuff are things like she can call me using her watch, or start a chat with emoticons and handwritten notes! Look!

Jumpy Plus Messages


B. I am the Big Brother!

With the Jumpy Plus, I can contact and locate Nadine anytime! I can call her, and she can call me using the watch! The best part? Only people listed in the preset contact list and make calls to your child!

When I want to find out where Nadine is after school, I use the GPS locator to track her as she makes her way to the train station. For added safety, I set up notifications whenever she leaves a “Safe Zone”. For example, when Nadine walks out of her school, I will be notified. When she steps into her Enrichment Centre, I get notification too.

Besides locating Nadine in real time, I can find out the route she took over the past week as well!

And check out how I can monitor how she has been using the watch! This is what she did a couple of days ago!

Jumpy Plus Screenshot Activity


C. This is what we call Remote Control

As the Jumpy Plus can be paired with the iPhone or Android, we parents can do plenty lovely remote control with the phone!

I turn the watch to School Mode when she’s in school, so that the watch only Tells Time and makes emergency calls. I can be sure Nadine won’t be playing games or messaging during class!

I have access to the contact list, so I can be sure only trusted family and friends are in her contact list. She has a separate Friends list for messaging or calling out. Whenever she adds new friends, I am notified as well.


D. And in case of Emergencies…

There’s also a very unique feature, and I call it Surveillance Mode. In emergencies, if she doesn’t pick up the phone, I can listen to Nadine from where I am, and listen to what’s happening without triggering the smartwatch! (sounds like James Bond ya?) We tried it when she was in class, and we could hear the teacher faintly at the background!

And above that, there’s a special button on the phone as well for Nadine to press whenever she faces any emergencies. It sends an SOS message to me and all others in the contact list.


E. Safety and Radiation

The makers of Jumpy Plus are quick to point out that the watch has met and passed FCC safety standard. The average electromagnetic radiation is far lower than a regular mobile phone, to the point that it is almost non-existent. This is one big safety plus for us!

Here are some specs that you techies would be interested in!

Features of Jumpy Plus

So where do I buy this? 

JUMPY Plus retails for S$278 exclusively on their website. It comes in 4 cheery colours: Red, Yellow, Blue and Green!  And now you can get a 10% off retail price! Just use this special promo code: “JPJiahui10” when you shop online at http://jumpy.sg. Offer’s valid till 28 Feb 2017!

Do check it out…We are having so much fun with ours and they are still not getting their mobiles till much later!

Jumpy Plus


Disclaimer: We were given one JUMPY Plus watch for review purposes. There were no monetary compensation and all opinions are 100% my own! 


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