IntelliBox Review–A Peek Into the Box

One of the goals of every parent is to do fun, meaningful and constructive activities with our kids. And through it all, we would love it if there’s some form of learning along the way. BUT we don’t really have the time to create the activities, cut the paper, prepare the craft, make the bricks etc. So we really felt we found a gem with the INTELLIBOX by Thinkersbox. It’s our third month using the Subscription-based Brain Development activity box and I’m still in awe by the wonders of it.

I’ve reviewed it before as my first time with IntelliBox and my subsequent time doing a full IntelliBox Review. This time, I felt it’s only fair to let you have a peek at the actual activities the kids get. I must stress that our set is for 6-7 yo kids (for Nadine, specifically).

Every month, the box arrives and Nadine ALWAYS rushes to check it out. Other than the box having lots of surprising fun stuff for her to do, the fact that it has her name printed on it, somehow makes it more exciting!

Intellibox shake

Here’s what you get in May’s box. (every month’s different!)

Intellibox May 2014

So all that for the month of May! Yup! That’s it. With just Three Booklets, and Three Packets of strange looking cards and gadgets. Your child will be doing some serious cognitive development in May!

Let’s start with the regular *boring* brain exercises. This is part of Day 3’s activity. You set a time. A few days later, you do this same activity but with a twist to it. And a few days later, yet another time with a further twist. There’s much practice and personal competition in this to complete the task quickly and accurately. Excellent! (and meanwhile, you have about 10 min to yourself!)

Intellibox Colouring

Next, you have some reading to do. As you go along the month, the words get tougher, and you start working on sentences too.

Intellibox find a match

And then you have the FUN part. Every day, there’s two different activities—the more academic type and the games type. Check out the MELON BOMB! Nadine LOVES this!

Intellibox Melon Bom

Those little melons were so so cute! And as the days passed, it got tougher and tougher.

Intellibox Melong Bomb

But her favourite is this really very ingenious game—WATER DWARF!

Intellibox Water Dwarf

We aren’t going to share how to play Water Dwarf, but you can be sure there’s fun and loads of learning throughout!

So that’s how the IntelliBox works. They have different boxes for different age groups. As long as your child is between 4-7 yo, you can try out the IntelliBox! The activities are all prepared for you, and we just follow the schedule planned. (there are days we do 3 days worth of activities all together cos it was a bit of a let-down to stop at one!)

Now Thinkersbox is found at the annual Rise & Shine Expo:
22-24 August 2014
11am – 8pm
Suntec City Convention Centre
Halls 401 – 403
Booth A13, A15

If you register at the Rise & Shine Expo for one year’s subscription, you get a $10 Popular Book Voucher!

The subscription plans are as follows:

  • 3 months @ $145
  • 6 months @ $255

Do check them out at the Rise & Shine booth!

Disclaimer: The IntelliBox was sponsored by Thinkersbox for review purposes. All opinions are 100% my own.

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