Give Thanks–Papa & Mummy

It’s Thanksgiving month. Although we don’t celebrate it here in Singapore, I thought it would be a good time to give thanks as well. There are many many things to give thanks for, and I’ll post this once a week this month. And in Week One, I thank God for my parents.

This is us—Papa, Mummy, Min-my sis, Tuan-my BIL and all e kids (gosh we haven’t even take a decent one in a long time!)

Family Photo1 My parents are one of the most amazing pair of parents cum grandparents I know! Off the cuff, many of you would know I’m down with a most terrible Throat Infection. And when my mummy heard about it, she does what she knows best! Nag about why I’m not drinking enough water. She went to the Chinese Medicinal Shop, described all she knew about my symptoms, bought this most incredible box of herbs, came to my place, prepared and a medical concoction for me. (Much effort to watch the fire!)

My papa doesn’t know anything about bees and wasps, but he took time off from work to drive my mum around to buy all that and came to my place. All in one day. And the best part? Before they left my place, both of them laid hands on my throat and prayed for healing for me. Red heartRed heartRed heart

Of course there were plenty things they did through the years for me, but today’s focus is them as Gong Gong and Po Po (that’s Grand Dad and Grand Mum in Cantonese!)

Gong Gong and Po Po love the kids! They would bring them to the parks, to cycle, to play, to hike etc. They come to our home once a week at least to check on the kids, give spelling, give ting xie, teach math, read stories, check that they don’t watch TV all day. (Woah! That sure sounds familiar!)

GongGong Park


And their favourite past-time? According to my mum’s Facebook “grandparent to hunt for best bargains in town” (no kidding, she posted these photos!)

Hunting Best Bargains

That’s my parents, no qualms about showing their love, always willing to go that extra mile for me and the kids. I thank God for them daily. They showed me how to be godly parents, what it means to love, and they shaped much of my values and who I am today.

(we really have to take a photo together soon!)

Do you have people you wanna give thanks for? They can be your closest family to the neighbour across the street to the bus uncle. Take some time to give thanks this month… We always love to read about any blessing big or small. And everyone loves to be thanked!

Mum’s the word

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