Digital Christmas Card

Nicole can do programming! woahhhh! I can’t believe it! From our gene pool of non-tech, non-IT, purely Arts cells, she did a digital Christmas card! Before I show you the final product, here’s where she had her classes:



The class is not big and they students got to work in pairs. This helped as they had their peers (strangers in Nicole’s case) to help them through the project. The instructors were on hand to assist and give advice. In fact, from the card, you can see that the instructors truly just gave technical advice and clearly did not give any creative inputs!

Here’s the final product! It’ll go to Nicole’s cousin who is currently overseas. She’s excited to start on another project. She wants to say hello to her preschool friends, her church mates on weekdays, and her school mates on weekends. Amazing, ya? I can’t believe my daughter is so techie! I’m thoroughly impressed! (and she loves it too!) Click on the picture below to see her Digital Card!

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Saturday Kids are conducting more Digital Christmas Card Workshops this holiday season. You can get more information here. Each workshop consists of 2 daily sessions of 3 hours. They have workshops catered to 7-9 year olds and 10-12 year olds. Go for it and be amazed!

DISCLAIMER: Mumseword was invited to the Digital Christmas Card workshop, but all opinions are 100% my own, final product is 100% done by Nicole!



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