Category: <span>nathan</span>

Three Morning Wake-up Moments to Identify With

Every morning, our household reaches a valley of decisions. We all have our own logic and reasoning to our morning routines and I realised our kids have theirs too! It’s interesting, cos this is something I don’t remember discussing over, and definitely it wasn’t taught! The decision made at that critical minute when the alarm…

Back to the Future – A child’s view

Yesterday, Nathan asked the whole family, if we had a time machine, where would you go? (I think he meant which period in time!) It was an interesting question, and I remember I wrote about Time Travel as a parent last year. But now, the entire question is open to an endless possibility, where would…

Are You As Self Conscious As Your Child?

Recently our car was sent in for repair works, and we were given a Replacement Car (or Courtesy Car) to use. When Edmund and I first saw it, we gulped. It was bright yellow, and was most interesting. Look! What I didn’t expect was the kids’ reactions! Nicole immediately went, “Oh no! So embarrassing!”, and…

Do Your Kids Need A Pencil Grip? My 11 year old does!

Do your kids hold their pens/pencils in a really strange way? Don’t get me wrong, the kids can still write neatly but the angle of the pen is wrong, or the fingers are sticking out weirdly, or the placement is just totally not normal. I mean I’ve seen adults who hold their pens differently from…

How Much to Give for Primary School Allowance?

This is the question many parents face when their children start school. How do we decide how much to give? Would it be too little? Or too much? Would my child go hungry? Here’s a quick guide to help you decide on the amount. Step 1: Identify what your kids can spend on First up,…

Lessons All Boys Must Learn

As I was looking at Nathan playing in the field, it suddenly hit me that there’s something special about bringing up boys. There are lessons that we parents have to teach our sons that are gender specific. Stuff that we must teach the boys and values that are applicable to the boys, and not the…

The Cliff Review – Rock Climbing Is For All!

One of the most exciting outdoor activities my kids enjoy is Rock Climbing. It is safe, the kids get a good mental and physical workout, and every climb is different, so it’s never boring! There are a few Rock Climbing schools/clinics in Singapore, and we were invited recently to check out a really cool one…
