Category: <span>nadine</span>

How Much to Give for Primary School Allowance?

This is the question many parents face when their children start school. How do we decide how much to give? Would it be too little? Or too much? Would my child go hungry? Here’s a quick guide to help you decide on the amount. Step 1: Identify what your kids can spend on First up,…

Therapy 101: Educational Therapy and NOT Tuition

Since we found out that Nadine has a learning disability, we have been trying to find methods and means to help her or seminars and tutorials to help us. We were open to try anything that can help her to ease her academic life. Please know that we are not Tiger parents. This isn’t even…

Therapy 101: Getting Your Child to Express Herself with Psychotherapy

I’ve mentioned before that Nadine is one very quiet girl. She is one of those well behaved, compliant and generally obedient kids that you see in the class, mall or library. With her learning disability, it is a challenge to figure out what she thinks or feels. Recently, a friend recommended a Psychotherapist, and was…

Tween Parenting: Laying the Foundation at Preschool

Bringing up girls is a test of one’s discernment, patience and wisdom. And especially for Mummies. I think before man invented mirrors, there were Mummies and Daughters! Nicole is now 10, and Nadine is 7. And of course the younger one is on her own journey as she grows up. Nothing is replicated in the…

The Cliff Review – Rock Climbing Is For All!

One of the most exciting outdoor activities my kids enjoy is Rock Climbing. It is safe, the kids get a good mental and physical workout, and every climb is different, so it’s never boring! There are a few Rock Climbing schools/clinics in Singapore, and we were invited recently to check out a really cool one…

Unexpected Mum of 3

When I was growing up, I had friends who really loved children. I mean we were in our teens, and they would love playing with kids from Children’s Church, or the neighbour’s baby, or do baby talk with the stranger’s child in the lift. They would squeal in delight and say “so cute!” or repeat…

Therapy 101: Can YOU spell these words?

Spelling is part and parcel of a child’s academic life. I totally agree that everyone must know how to spell and not rely on spell-checks or auto-corrects. It is hard to define what is in the spelling list for a regular 6 year old and a 10 year old. I mean a word like “Requirement”…
