Category: <span>nadine</span>

Aureus Academy: The 3Ds to Learning Music

When I was pregnant with Nicole, I must admit there were grand plans for this little baby. She’s our firstborn, so naturally, we wanted to give her the best possible we can. Other than clothes and toys, we also wanted to give her as much exposure as we could to sports and the arts. We…

Music Is Taught and Caught – Aureus Academy of Music

If you asked any child on the street, there is a high chance he/she is learning some music instrument. Either he’s still learning, or he has learnt it before and for whatever reasons, gave up. Well, not my kids. While the husband and I have music background (the usual ABRSM piano exams), we decided that…

Therapy 101: The Seizure

Last Friday, we had a mini fright from school. At 11 a.m., Meimei’s teacher called to say she blacked out when doing Math. Her eyes turned left, roved around and was unresponsive to calls. It lasted about a min, and after that she was ok, but a little shaken. The teacher felt it was important…

Three Morning Wake-up Moments to Identify With

Every morning, our household reaches a valley of decisions. We all have our own logic and reasoning to our morning routines and I realised our kids have theirs too! It’s interesting, cos this is something I don’t remember discussing over, and definitely it wasn’t taught! The decision made at that critical minute when the alarm…

Therapy 101: Why some therapy sessions are better than the rest

Some of you may have read that we’ve started Nadine on an Educational Therapy program with Alpha to Omega. At the end of 2015, she had an assessment done to find out her learning difficulties, and thereafter, a special personalised program was created just for her. She has gone for 12 sessions, and it was time…

Are You As Self Conscious As Your Child?

Recently our car was sent in for repair works, and we were given a Replacement Car (or Courtesy Car) to use. When Edmund and I first saw it, we gulped. It was bright yellow, and was most interesting. Look! What I didn’t expect was the kids’ reactions! Nicole immediately went, “Oh no! So embarrassing!”, and…

Do Your Kids Need A Pencil Grip? My 11 year old does!

Do your kids hold their pens/pencils in a really strange way? Don’t get me wrong, the kids can still write neatly but the angle of the pen is wrong, or the fingers are sticking out weirdly, or the placement is just totally not normal. I mean I’ve seen adults who hold their pens differently from…
