Category: <span>Life Issues</span>

Bucket List for Kids

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a dear friend. She shared that she has a list of ‘milestones’ for her kids. As she explained, I realised it was somewhat like a “BUCKET LIST” that she wants her kids to be able to do before they grow up. I’m not sure if that’s the right…

BGR for Kids?

BGR-Boy Girl Relationships. A pillar of sorts in our lives. When I look back now, I  still remember the silly things I did, the emotional highs and lows, the top of the world feeling, the nervous heart beating and the broken heart getting crushed. (I’m sure some of you are with me in this, while…

Confessions of a Piano Learner

I learnt to play the piano when I was 3 year old. I remember that was good ol Yamaha school, then I also learnt the Sukuzi method, which greatly helped my aural skills. Mum was convinced that the only music instrument that one should have formal training in is Piano. (not organ, not violin, not…

Let It (THEM) Go!

Ok. This is NOT about the song. And I do apologise if I got you humming it again! This is about when do you let your children be on their own. I’m not referring to moving out of your home. I’m not referring to going off to college. I’m not even referring to walking home…

I Am a Dr. Mummy

I have three kids. And as much as I want to keep them germ/virus/bacteria free, they aren’t. So when they fall sick, they ALL fall sick. (that’s best case scenario) The worst case is when they take turns to fall sick. Besides having sleepless nights to monitor the sick child, ensuring that the temperature doesn’t…

Ahhhh! My Daughter Has To Wear Glasses!

I thank God I don’t need to wear glasses. (I would probably need reading glasses, but that’s another story!) I grew up with somewhat perfect eye sight, and I truly appreciated it! The husband doesn’t wear glasses too, so we were convinced that our kids would follow through with the same great genes! Early this…

Why I breastfed for Six Months and Stopped

When I was pregnant with Nicole, I had many (Read: MANY) friends who gave me many (Read: MANY again) advices on breastfeeding. They were those who were hell bent on converting me to fully breastfeed. And they were those who listed out the pros and cons and let me decide. And in the end, I…
