Therapy 101: My Heart Broke Because of the Learning Support in School

Yesterday, my heart broke when I had a chat with Nadine about school. And I’m still reeling from the emotions that hit me. I kind of guessed this would happen, but I didn’t know it would be so soon and so fast.

It started with the Learning and Behavioural Support Allied Educator (AE) in her school. “Allied Educators work with teachers to nurture and develop every child in school by raising the quality of interaction with every child. He/She guides the learning of students with special educational needs I did my homework and found out the school’s support system for Nadine. I emailed the school, sent in all her assessment reports, spoke to the staff in charge etc. Everything was good. (I thought)

The AE called me in the afternoon to inform me she went to visit Nadine’s class and gave me some of her observations. I was excited to hear her report, esp this would be a first-hand account of how Nadine is coping in class. The report was ok, as expected. She struggled in certain things, and needed help for some work.

Well, in the afternoon, I chatted with Nadine. I asked her if there was a new teacher who came into the class. She was very quick to say No. A bit too quick, if I may add. So my conversation went on:

Me: They told us a new teacher came in to class today. Hmm.. maybe it’s tomorrow. Was it today?

N3: Yes

Me: What’s the teacher’s name?

N3: Ms. Lee

Me: Ohhh What does Ms. Lee teach?

N3: Nothing

Me: Did Ms. Lee talk to anyone?

N3: Yes

Me: Who did she talk to?

N3: ONLY ME (not happy tone)

Me: Only you? Do you like that?

N3: NO! (near shouting)

Sigh… I felt it. She was upset that she’s having some kind of special treatment. She felt it, that there was some conspiracy to give her special attention. And she hated it!! oh man… I had to quickly assure her that Ms. Lee is going around to meet different students. Today it’s her, tomorrow it would be someone else. Just like yesterday, Ms. Lee didn’t come round at all.

Well, thank God she was convinced. But it really broke my heart. For Nadine to cope well in school, she would need all these extra help and attention. There would be special pull-out moments, or additional assistance in various forms. I pray for wisdom and grace to prepare her for it, and for continued favor on her with all her classmates and teachers.


This is part of a series I’ve started – Ther­apy 101, to doc­u­ment Nadine’s devel­op­men­tal strug­gles and vic­to­ries, and to jour­nal my own learn­ing expe­ri­ences as she goes through hers.

Therapy 101

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