What Happens AFTER 40?

It’s the new year! And one of the most important things to do is to check on our 2015 resolutions and assess the year that passed.

I remember when I listed out my resolutions for 2015. I was REALLY worried and kicking myself a bit. I was putting up the goals on the blog, out in public for all to see. Naturally, the pressure is on, and I’ve friends and family asking and ‘checking’ on me throughout the year. It was SCARY but it was worth it! Cos I achieved nearly all my goals. woohoooo!!

First up: 40 Day Fast

I did it!! and it wasn’t so easy, but a wonderful experience.

Then I wanted to do: 4x 10km runs through the year

In fact, I even wanted 4 different runs: Fun Run, Charity Run, Women’s Run and Formal Official Run. And I did it too!

10K Runs


And I wanted to sign up for Belly Dancing Classes

Alas, I didn’t do this. I didn’t even come close. I think I couldn’t find any friends who would be willing to do this with me. I seriously contemplated changing it to Aerial Silk Classes and I procrastinated and it’s 2016 now. I will forward this to my resolution this year. 
Aerial Silk

And finally, I wanted to make 40 brand new dishes. And I DID IT!!! woooohoooo!!! it was challenging as the dishes I wanted to make were usually someone’s mum’s best dish, or some family’s secret recipe. All intentions good and encouraging, I did it! And I’m so so happy! I will give you more information on what 40 dishes I did, what were the easiest, what were toughest and what you should all try too!

So every resolution last year had to do with the big Four. What happens this year? Do I still want to set my objectives so clear? And tell the whole world?

Life After 40

Well, there are of course resolutions that are more personal which for privacy reasons, won’t be disclosed here. But the regular ones which I’ve no issues putting down are stuff that I would put down and blog about. This is my life and these are my goals for the 41st year of my life!

1. Keeping Fit & Fab

I want to work on bringing my BMI down to a healthy 21. These days, the metabolic rate has reduced significantly, and we always end the year wearing all the larger size clothes. Sigh… Let’s keep it to a count of 21 throughout the year. Although I’m in still in the ideal range, I’ve enough comments made about those legs and tummy to know that I’m edging too close to being overweight.

2. 21 Days Fast

Yup. Having done that long 40 day fast, I realised how important and good it is to start the year with a fast. But 40 days was really a long one and I don’t have that same conviction this year. So it would be a 21 Days fast. No food, just Juice and Clear Veg soup.

3. Climb 1 Mountain

After my 2014 Mt KK adventures, the temptation and draw to climb another mountain never left. So let’s do one this year!

4. Sign up and complete 1 Aerial Silk course

I think it’s 4 or 6 weeks, but it’s time to fulfil this resolution! Up that core!

5. Do 1 favourite dish per month

Last year, I tried 40 brand new dishes. It was a challenge! This year, I just want to do 12, one a month. And it won’t be any dish, it has to be something that I really like or love. (I figured no point making something I don’t like to eat, ya?) I am already thinking of all my favourite kuehs and peanut items!

So that’s my 2016! Specific goals for a fruitful year!

What are your goals for the year? Do share as we journey through the year!


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