Wedding Nostalgia–the Thank Yous
A dear friend sent us what she found recently!
(Btw, in those days, printing in B/W was far cheaper than coloured. Thus the leaflet we printed was really as you see it … B/W on beige paper!)
For those in my era, way way before LED projection, way before PowerPoint was the norm, and when everyone used OHP (remember that?) we used to have wedding booklets or leaflets for guests. Remember that?
I’m trying to recall why was it so popular. I know the ‘rules’ of this leaflet is to show:
Order of the Wedding Ceremony
People you wanna thank for the actual day
People you wanna thank for every other day
I know of people who have kept such leaflets as momentos (Thanks Juner!!), but I know of more people who have not bothered taking their copy with them after the service. So why did we do it? It was additional work for that friend who did the graphics, additional work for me as I penned those words, additional decisions to make—which photo to use, what color paper, and definitely additional cost involved!
So why did we do it? Well, 11 years on, I know three reasons for sure!
So I can look back and see how wonderfully slim we both were before!
Many of those we thanked are still playing important roles in our lives. We love them and are grateful for their friendships!
To remind us of how good God has been to us through the years!
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