Walking with Dinosaurs – Watch them come alive!

If your kids are keen dinosaur lovers, the Walking with Dinosaurs—The Live Experience show is not to be missed!

Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to bring my 6- and 8-year olds to catch this show at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. While we’ve not had the chance to catch the award-winning BBC television show of the same name, my children have had an obsession with all things dinosaur since young! From movies to books, from cartoons to stories, it was little wonder the names of the dinosaurs featured in the show rang a familiar bell too!

The show had a simple premise – to take the audience on a walk with the dinosaurs back in time! In fact, when the show first started, my 8-year-old leaned over to me and asked, slightly nervous, “Are the dinosaurs going to be really real, Mummy?” Got to love childlike wonder!

From the fierce predators to the docile herbivores, the Walking with Dinosaurs event was chockful of stomping dinos, and well-timed special effects. It kept my two kids enthralled throughout – no mean feat!

So head over to grab your tickets before this show finishes its run!

Here’re some of our favourite photos (all photos taken by my kids!):

The Allosaurus, one mean, lean, fighting machine!

The entry of these giant beasts (otherwise known as the Brachiosaurus) drew a collective “Wow!” from the crowd!

The stegosaurus – my personal favourite of the day. Check out those mean plates!

And the ankylosaurus was my kids’ favourite—they have always been fascinated by this strange-looking armoured tank of a dinosaur!

The final showdown!

Do make time to bring your kids for this show! All those dinaosaur fantasies would come alive instantly!

Event details below, and you can purchase the tickets here:

29 August – 8 September 2019


Various Timings
Approx. 1 hour 40 mins (including 20 mins interval)


Singapore Indoor Stadium


S$78 – S$148




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