Using S.U.R.E. to verify information

Recently, we had the opportunity to teach our kids about verifying information online. It was really quite an experience! And it had to do with Katy Perry.

On Sunday after church, Nicole told us that one of her church friends told her that Katy Perry was involved in a plane crash. And, her boyfriend died. We were surprised, cause this sounded like big news! And Nathan added, YES, he heard all about this plane crash too!

We were really curious, but told the kids, that’s not possible. If there was a plane crash that involved such a big pop star, it would have been in the papers. And we didn’t recall seeing it. So we sat them around the computer, and did a google search. This is what we found:clip_image001

On first glance, it looks like there was really a plane crash. I mean, the headlines says she survived it, using her Lumia camera to take photos, Ryan Seacrest talked about it. It should be true ya?

Thank God for National Library Board’s S.U.R.E. campaign. We decided to dig deeper beyond the headlines and apply the 4 ways of S.U.R.E. to this piece of information


With the information we have, we have to look at the SOURCE. We started telling the kids who Ryan Seacrest was, and WP-Central and Web Pro News (the top three in Google results).

We clicked on each on the top 3 results and read what each post said. It was clear what the plane crash was about! But we taught the kids to check out each post to UNDERSTAND what each said.

We got them to RESEARCH further. We googled “Katy Perry Plane Crash Video”.clip_image004

Needless to say, we found THE music video that showed the plane crash. We watched the video and saw the plane crash, and the boyfriend who died.

We then EVALUATED the information we gathered. And the conclusion was hahaha! The plane crash was not real, but rather the storyline for her latest music video! (I’m sure you knew that?)

Having gone through S.U.R.E., our kids learnt something about using online tools to assess the credibility of information they came across, they also got to enjoy the new MV! Find out more about the campaign and the 4 ways of S.U.R.E. by visiting and

Here’s leaving you with Katy Perry’s latest hit music video!

This is a sponsored post from National Library Board. All opinions are 100% my own.

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