Time for the things that matter

We tried to toilet train Nadine, and thankfully, she is for the day. But at night time, she needs the diapers. Until then, we have to hunt for pull-ups that fit her (she’s five after all, not exactly the usual S, M, L butt size)

We found Drypers DryPantz which is an absolute blessing. The Drypers DryPantz is so easy to use Nadine wears it herself. (You see, in the past, we’ve to kind of squeeze her cute bottom into the diapers cos not many come in her size) Now we just tell the kids, “time to change into your PJs”, and Nadine will disappear into her room, change out of her clothes, put on the PJs AND the Drypers DryPantz. It’s such a breeze! (Check out that XXL sizing!!)

Drypers Drypantz

All these mean we have time to tell our bedtime stories, prayer time and worship nights.

The best part? Wearing Drypers Drypantz on her own daily is so much a part of her nightly ritual that I don’t need to take pictures of Nadine in her diapers, or the wonderful elastic bands that make it easy to put on, or the friendly pictures on the diaper that show her which is the front back.

Recently, I instructed the kids to pack their PJs and clothes to Grandma’s for a stayover. My exact instructions: “Pack one set of Going Out Clothes and one set of Pajamas. Put it on the table for me to check”

This was what Nadine packed: Diapers for stayover

I was so happy when I saw the diaper! It showed her somewhat independence and confidence. This is truly a one up for Nadine! And one big relief for me. It frees up time totally for us even for packing!

Until she’s weaned off her night diapers, I’m grateful for Drypers Drypantz for making life easy, and giving us time for other important things that matter. Here’s a video showing such precious times!


Do go to the Drypers Facebook page to find out updates from them. There’s plenty of activities, events and giveaways waiting for you!

Disclaimer: All Drypers Drypantz were sponsored by Drypers for purposes of review. All opinions are 100% my own and are not indicative of the opinions of Drypers.

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