Therapy 101: The Dance Performance

I’ve received some lovely emails and comments about Nadine and I thought should do one post that made me a super proud mummy.

Well, Nadine, with all her therapy sessions have improved tremendously. And here’s a short video of her performing during the school’s Chinese New Year concert. Check out her smile and her enthusiasm!


Can you see her very much improved co-ordination? Her deep concentration to get the steps right? Her attempt to make the entire dance look natural? (I thought the dance steps were a wee bit challenging for a 5 yr old!) And can you see her trying hard to keep smiling throughout? (probably the teacher’s very important instruction to the class!)

So with such little milestones, we just keep giving thanks. Every bit is an improvement, every bit is a testament to God’s faithfulness!

This is part of a series I’ve started – Therapy 101, to document Nadine’s developmental struggles and victories, and to journal my own learning experiences as she goes through hers.

Therapy 101

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