The Rock School- Subtle Confidence Building At Its Best

Rock Climbing??

I’m not sure if you are like me…the not so sporty one who thought what’s the big deal about rock climbing. I mean, it’s so popular now, you get road shows with a Rock Climbing wall for the kiddos to try. And, if the kids can try for free, why pay money for it?

Well, thank God I married a sporty man, who told me bluntly  point blank quite nicely that Rock Climbing is THE new sport. Kids really should have a go at it, start from the basics, get them fit and healthy, sharp and alert, blah blah blah…

So when The Rock School offered the kids a trial at their 2hr Fun Climb class, I thought Let’s Go! Mummy will prove that she is fun and sporty too!

Here’s the two hours in pictures:

Rock School Gears

There were lots of warm up exercises to ease the kids into climbing walls. Look at their smiles! They were having super fun!

Rock School Warm Up

Shark Attack Rock Wall

Then there were short lectures with Dos & Don’ts for rock climbing!

Rock School Lecture Notes

And off they went! Around the room first!

Rock School All go

Rock School Obstacles

And here’s why there were so few pictures of Nathan:

Rock School Nathan

He was really very afraid. But the lesson went on… It was time for the Real Wall!

Rock School Real Wall

And Nicole reached the peak first. And I forgot to zoom to get that wide grin on her face!

Rock School Peak

And Nathan decided to go for it, with much encouragement and motivation from our awesome instructor! (Note: Mummy was really prepared to say it’s ok, we can stop now!)

Rock School Nathan fear

And ta-da!! We were all so so proud of Nathan! He reached the peak on his own!

Rock School Nathan Peak

And Nadine was really trying.. look at that!! But she still couldn’t let go of both hands and totally trust the rope. So this was the highest she went! I’m just beaming with pride!!

Rock School Nadine

And it ended of with a de-brief session, and a surprise Award ceremony! A truly complete confidence building experience for the children!

Rock School Awars

So what’s my thoughts after this two hour session? I really want to sign them up for more! And the kids have been asking, “when are we going back?”

I realised Rock Climbing really keeps them fit (they really worked those arms and legs!) and mentally, they have to think on the go. I saw first hand how Nathan conquered his fears and reached the peak. I witnessed how the instructors kept encouraging them on firmly (I honestly wasn’t that sure they could do it!)

This course is definitely a must-try in my books!

Here are the details:

The Rock School is at Bedok Community Club and they conduct courses and birthday parties for children from 4 yo to Adults. These courses include:

      • Hire-an-Instructor (1 to 1 session),
      • Pebbles (8 lesson package),
      • Step Up (coaching for competitive climbers),
      • Double Up (parent-child climb)
      • Fun Climb (2 hour session) – MY FAVOURITE!!



Quote “Mum’s the Word ROCKS” when you register, and get a 20% off your course fee! This offer is valid till Dec 2013.

And, if you just wanna check out what Rock Climbing is, there’s a Rock Carnival coming up this weekend 15-16 June and your children can experience what Rock Climbing is all about there!

Have fun! Trust me, the kids will love it!

You can call The Rock School at 6242 2106 during their office hours or drop them an email at

Opening hours
Weekdays: 1pm-10pm (Closed on Wednesdays)
Saturdays: 10am-10pm
Sunday: Varies (Please refer to Timetable on website)

The Rock School is located at Bedok Community Centre
Address: 850 New Upper Changi Rd, Singapore 467352

Disclaimer: Mum’s the Word was invited to review the programme and all opinions are 100% my own.

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