The Little Arts Academy: Art of Play

Remember the Superheroes Art Camp I signed up for Nicole? It was a two day camp to introduce them to the theatre, dance, culinary and visual arts world. I talked about it here.

Last Thursday, was Day 1. I didn’t get to see how the camp was as I had to work. But I can tell you, she was super super excited about it when I picked her. She was chatting NON-STOP about it. She wanted to tell me how to make a Burger, and show me the dance steps she learnt, and then explain how she chose her superhero and what powers she has, and then tell me about the mask that is still half done.

Day 2 came and went. She was not as excited BECAUSE she was nervous and worried about her performance showcase to all the parents the next day. She started telling us about how the dance instructor taught new steps that they don’t really think they can remember, and how she needs to wear the right shoes so that her feet wont hurt when she prances around during the drama. That night, she went to bed early, so that she can wake up early and be at the school as early as possible to practice further with her friends! Unbelievable!

And Day 3 came, I’ll let the pictures do the talking:





It was a very fruitful two days! The camp proved to be a very good showcase of their Art of Play programme which is a 6 month introductory programme that teaches the kids the basic aspects of dance, music, theatre and visual arts. After watching the showcase, I feel it really wasn’t about the content of their performance or the skills they have learnt. Rather, I felt it was a huge boost to the child’s confidence level in expressing themselves. And on a more serious note, the structure of the programmes helps the child with critical thinking skills as they go about problem solving and making decisions about their performance.

Click here to find out more about the Art of Play!

The Little Arts Academy

PoMo1 Selegie Road, #05-01/02 Singapore 18830

T +65 6513 3013F +65 6337 1200 E

Walk-in Hours

Tue – Fri 10.00am – 7.30pm, Sat: 9.30am – 7.00pm, Sun and Mon: Closed

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