The 14 Day Challenge to have Gorgeous Skin

When I was dating Edmund, my mum had one piece of advice for me. She said, “Take care of your skin. This man has a young face, if you don’t, you will soon look much older than him! And not just your face, young lady!!” (needless to say, I shelved her words!)

Fast forward to 2013. I’ve learnt to use sun screen and learnt that fair is beautiful. In fact, I actually took my mum’s words to heart. I’m so aware of Edmund’s young supple skin, and my quest for beautiful skin is life long one now.

Through the years, I learnt there are 10 signs of dull and sun-damaged skin
1.  Flaky
2.  Itchy
3.  Uneven
4.  Scratched
5.  Rough
6.  Cracked
7.  Stressed
8.  Dull
9.  Peeling
10. Tight

Please don’t raise your hands if you have any of the above! Many of my friends spend $$$$ on their face but neglect the rest of their body.

I thank God I have fairly good skin (just not as good as Edmund!). But I do have very dull skin. I’m not sure how I can emphasize its dullness. It’s just erm dull, not bright. I took some pictures, can you see what I mean:

Nivea Dull Skin

Recently, I came across NIVEA Body UV Whitening Serum. It promises to improve dark, dull and sun-damaged skin, while offering UV protection. And it says within 14 days, I will get fairer, smoother and more radiant skin. All in 14 days!! And it comes in a tube…not a small tub with a mini spatula! It is a serum for everyday use, for the everyday woman. And it costs $9.55, a steal for serums!!

If you know me, I’m not one who is faithful in using a beauty product. Although it says it takes only 14 days to see the effect, I cannot imagine myself faithfully applying a body lotion after bath. Especially when it’s a mad rush every morning to settle the kids to school, and the night baths are just enough for time for me to go to bed and not indulge in body lotions!

But I’m game. It’s only 14 days. Imagine, I will have young skin in two weeks. Follow me on this journey to fairer, smoother and more radiant skin!

Nivea SG

There’s an on-going Instagram campaign till 15 Aug. All you need to do is upload sunshots, outdoor activities when you are out of your home. The best photos will stand a chance to win $188 NIVEA hampers weekly! Please use these hash-tags in your posts: #NiveaSG #UVWhtSerum #Sunnyfun #Sunshine

Disclaimer: This is the first of two posts as part of a 14-day product experience trial, sponsored by NIVEA. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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