Tag: <span>geo:lon=103.8231561</span>

What do you see, when you say “I See”?

In Text Messaging, the phrase “I See” has got to be the rudest and laziest conversation stopper ever. Don’t get me wrong, I use this phrase in regular face-to-face conversations, but never in Text Messaging. In my opinion, it is rude. Really. I tried Googling “I See” and found out this is really a phrase…

Shopping at Ergoworks

When I was a kid, my study table at home was the dining table. It proved to be really effective, as Mum could sit and watch my sis and I doing our work, while she reads her papers/does her stuff/hold the cane! I never had my own table till I was much older, possibly in…

ABCs of Shangri-La At the Fort, Manila

We were in Manila recently for a short getaway trip, and it was really a “we don’t know what to expect” trip as we didn’t have many friends who went Manila for a holiday! But it was one of the nicest place we’ve ever visited, and we fell in love with the Filipinos. They are…

You can be a domestic goddess too–with Diana Gale

As a mummy, I want my kids to have good home-cooked food as much as possible. We all know it’s because when it’s home-cooked, we get to decide what goes in the food. The amount of salt, sugar, seasoning, preservatives, blah blah blah… Now this was really easy when the kids were young. (think toddler)…

What’s with these Parents who drive their kids to School??

This is for all parents who drive their primary school kids to school. I’m trying to be as objective as I can in the post, and I do try to understand possible reasons why some parents behave the way they do. But I simply can’t make excuses or be ok with their totally inconsiderate, selfish…

Back to the Future – A child’s view

Yesterday, Nathan asked the whole family, if we had a time machine, where would you go? (I think he meant which period in time!) It was an interesting question, and I remember I wrote about Time Travel as a parent last year. But now, the entire question is open to an endless possibility, where would…

Robi – The Robot You Can Build

When I was growing up, my encounters with Robots were limited to cartoons like Transformers! And of course the beloved R2D2 in Star Wars. It was part of a world where cars would fly, and humans could teleport. Simply put, it was a future world in someone’s imagination. I never thought I would ever see…
