Shopping at Ergoworks

When I was a kid, my study table at home was the dining table. It proved to be really effective, as Mum could sit and watch my sis and I doing our work, while she reads her papers/does her stuff/hold the cane! I never had my own table till I was much older, possibly in JC!

So when we had kids, I never thought it necessary to have a study table for them. When they were very little, we used the living room table, at pre-school, the dining table suited them fine. And when they entered primary school, the dining table was the central study area too. All was good until we realised 3 kids studying together may be too much to handle on one table. And we realised, our apartment layout doesn’t allow us to watch TV if kids are studying in the dining!

And thus, it was time to shop for a Study Table. Now that I am older (and wiser), I know how important table height is, how neck aches come about, and how necessary it is to ensure good lighting and correct eye levels for reading. And that meant the traditional 4 legged wooden study table is out. I mean, look at my kids: their heights vary!

Kids Differing Height

And I can imagine as they continue growing (at their own rate!), the table either has to grow with them or I’ve to get a new one regularly. We decided to check out Ergoworks, the specialists in posture and ergonomic furniture. I must admit, I was hesitant to go in, cos I wasn’t convinced an ergonomic study was necessary (despite all my concerns above!)

We went to the outlet at Centrepoint, which was really central and had a large variety of products to showcase. Dan, the store manager was very kind and patient, answering the 1001 questions and doubts I had, and showing us how each product worked.

We zeroed in on a kid’s study table, and we specifically said it must cater to all 3 of them! (and we found out the table would fit us adults too!) Here’s Dan explaining how the table and chair works!

Ergo Table

Ergo Chair

The Table+Chair set suited our needs most. It’s suitable for kids from 4 years old to adults.. the table grows with the child! And the chair had incredible support for the back and perfect for their feisty moving butts! This is what we ordered–ERGOSTARS ergo growing desk + DUOREST ergo junior chair. It was on promotion at $699 (a huge discount from the regular $1,998!)

Then we wanted to see the famous IMPACT ergonomic bags. These bags had orthopedic spinal protection system and inner suspension straps to help our backs to best support and carry the load. Dan was quick to show us all the different features and how it compared to normal bags. The difference was obvious, and the kids could feel the difference too!

Ergo Bags Display

Ergo Bag

Overall, shopping at Ergoworks was an eye-opener. We learnt many pointers about sitting posture (without the complicated science explanation), and saw many products that can be catered to address the different needs.

Ergo Learning

Ergo Eye Level

We had a good time shopping at Ergoworks! It wasn’t intimidating, the staff was most helpful and was able to answer all our questions and even gave advice what to look out for. There was no hard-selling, and generally a very pleasant experience. And Ergoworks is the ONLY ergonomic brand medically endorsed and recommended by Singapore Physiotherapy Association & The Chiropractic Association of Singapore! How’s that for good support?

Now we await our Study Table that we ordered! Can’t wait to see the kids studying there! woohooo!


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