New Year Resolutions–the right motivation

Happy New Year!

It’s time to make known your dreams and wishes. To pen them down so that you can see your Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic goals within that one year Time frame. Yes. SMART goals.

I have some goals that I’ve written out. The personal ones concern my walk with God, family, work, time and finances. It all points back to being a better somebody. I want to be a better Christian, a better wife, better mother, better daughter, better colleague…you get the idea. And your resolutions probably resonates with the same ‘better person’ theme.

Well, now that I have a blog. I wanna put down one resolution I have for 2013 here. I want to be able to track it, monitor and measure it. So here goes… … … … I want to be fit and healthy.

Yes. I want to be able to run/jump/play with my kids without panting. I want to be able to join them with Daddy when they go swimming, cycling, running, play ball. I am quite tired of having an aching back when I stand up after sitting on the floor too long. I am quite upset when I have to ask the kids to slow down and wait for mummy. And, looking at my own dad who had a great time cycling with the kids today, I want to be able to do that with my grandkids!

So yes. I want to be fit and healthy. I will watch my diet: One carbo serving a day, no snacks, no sweets, no eating after 8 p.m. I will exercise: 30 min brisk walking 3 times a week for Jan, 60 min brisk walking 3 times a week for Feb. [Further review will be done in the last week of Feb]

This fit and healthy resolution is a little different from past years’ resolutions of losing weight. In the past, the focus was on the weight. There was no motivation other than hitting that magical number or wearing that one black dress. This time, it’s not about the weight. It’s about the lifestyle. And there’s a positive motivation for me. To be fit and healthy for the future, for the kids. And to simplify it, I’ll be F&F: Fit & Fabulous!

I will journal this resolution. I’ve even created a button to affirm myself. 2013 – a fit & fab me! Doesn’t it look so encouraging? (trapping myself too since I’ve now put it down so officially!)

Fit & Fab

Now, what’s YOUR new year resolution? Here’s wishing everyone a Fit & Fab new year! You can join me and be Fit & Fab. Grab my button and join in this year long party!

Mum’s the word


new button 


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