Me Time is just for ME!

I’m a big advocate for Me-Time. Regardless if you are young or old, single or married, kids or without, I believe each person should have time to themselves, doing absolutely what one enjoys. It can be something that costs a LOT (like travel round the world) or have little costs (like having a long hot bath). At the end of the day, it’s about having time to yourself, to charge and rejuvenate!

As a mummy, Me-Time doesn’t come naturally. If I don’t consciously find time to myself, the day would just end without that precious window, and soon the entire week and month and year. My day starts at 5.30 every morning and I try to go to bed before midnight. (key word here is TRY!) So Me-Time comes in short bursts and here’s a glimpse into my Me-Time!

I never thought I would say this, but the absolutely number 1 love for me is SLEEPING! To have the luxury of having uninterrupted 1 hour nap would really refresh me! This is especially when the kids started primary school. The daily early morning starts do take a toll physically. (Age plays a part too!)

Thus, every public holiday or Sunday afternoon, one hour nap is extremely precious to me. And the kids know it too! I’m thankful they would go about doing their own stuff quietly and let me snooze in peace!

Me - Sleep comic

Another favourite Me-Time is READING! I love love love to read. I’m happy to read the newspapers, journals, novels, or even my old Enid Blytons! It’s a great great joy to read and be transported to another world. For me, reading takes place everywhere. I have a book with me on the train, at lunch, or at dinner when I’m alone.

Something that’s really Me: Since young, I’ve cultivated the habit of reading when I’m in the private sanctuary of the toilet. The door is closed, everyone knows mummy is having a tummyache, so no one comes in! Pure bliss.

And one other favourite Me-Time is RUNNING.  I was never a runner. In fact, when I was in school, I joined the First Aid Club to avoid participating in Cross Country runs. But somehow in late 2012, I decided I better start working on my fitness, and so in 2013, I had a grand Fit & Fab New Year Resolution .

Since then, I try to run regularly. I went from once a week to alternate days and now I’m running 6 days a week. It’s wonderful! For short distances, I listen to Coffee with Kong on City Radio, and for longer distances, I put on sermon podcasts to listen. Some of my favourites include Ps. Bill Johnson from Bethel, Ps. Steven Furtick from Elevation, Ps. Rick Warren from Saddleback. These spiritual food add super value to my Me-Time!

Me - Coffee with Kong

Sermons to hear when jogging

And so that’s how I squeeze out Me-Time and that’s why it is so so important! Don’t forget to give yourself that little few minutes or hours to recharge!


The post is part of a Blog Chain by Danessa, come and read how other mummies spend their Me-Time!

Mummy me Time

Next up is Serene Seah, Stay-At-Home- Mumpreneur to two kids (7yrs & 23 months), an active silver leader in Young Living Sg and a Singapore mom blogger who documents down memories of the family and the children’s growing milestones  at Xavvy-licious. Check out her blog tomorrow!


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