Loope – The App That Sorts Out Photos for you!

Are you a closet photographer like me? Do you take hundreds of shots of your kids and tell yourself somewhere out there, is a super gorgeous picture of them? Have you captured many of your kids milestones on camera and can’t wait to go through the pictures again? Well, you are just like one of the millions of parents out there with a smart phone or digital camera!! (Our parents didn’t do that cos each photo meant paying for a row of film and printing it on paper)

Well, then you must have the same problem as I do! And that is, you have in your home computer, or an external hard disk, thousands and thousands of photos! And if you are administratively strong, your photos are in folders and subfolders subdivided into different years and months. And if you are not, like the rest of the world, you just have a very precious hard disk with thousands of photos!

Then along comes Loope, a brand new iPhone/iPad app that helps us to organise ALL the pictures of our children. YES! The app does it for us! Here’s a glimpse of the app in action.

Loope Profile

It’s simple. You create an account, and set up your profile. This is the most important part. You MUST remember each of your kids’ birth date. Loope would use this date to calculate how old your child is in each photo, based on the date the photo was taken.

So all those photos of the new born, would be categorised as new born. The ones of baby crawling? The app can tell you if baby was 7 or 8 month old! Cool ya! Look at what I’ve done with some photos of Nadine.

From this huge folder of Camera Download photos:

Screenshot Photo Download


Loope screenshot

Loope Screenshot

It’s so fast! Suddenly everything is categorised neatly for me! Imagine, I don’t have to look at the picture for clues and think hard how old she was. And it’s totally accurate! (I know I can look at the date when each photo was created, but that would take AGES!)

I’m actually quite amazed how Loope categories the photos. For ages 2 and above, all photos are in accordance to age. That is, 2 yo, 3 yo, 4 yo etc. But for photos 2 years and below, Loope would sort them according to their ages in months! So you get to see your child at 1 mth, 3 mth, 6 mth, etc. I’m having a lot of problems switching off the app, simply because I just love looking back at those cutey chubby pictures that are now in chronological order! (You can see my diminishing battery as proof!)

Loope has also added a special feature called ACHIEVEMENTS. This is where you get to put your photos into known milestones for each growing child. For example, at about 12 mth, the child should start cruising or for some walking. You can tag that proud moment to the achievement! So not only do you have your photos categorised by age, you can have them tagged to each significant milestone too! Check out some of the milestones in the App:

Loope Achievement

These cute names are part of what makes Loope so fun. Look at what Grand Stand means:

Loope Grandstand

And here’s presenting the Muncher:

Loope Muncher

But there’s more. This App is available for you to share with some of the most important people in your family! Your spouse, the grandparents, the uncles and aunties etc.. You can invite them to view all the photos or you can select specific ones to share with them. All you’ve got to do it include them in your family list:

Loope Invite

And follow the instructions to share your albums! I know the both sets of grandparents would be ecstatic when they see this! All their grandkids photos in one app, and they can look at them, showcase their proudest moments anytime anywhere with their device. What’s more, the grandparents can also upload their photos into the same album for easy sharing. Say bye bye to the thumbdrive or email or whatsapp when you share your kids pictures!

It’s simple! Loope is a friendly and easy to use app. The App Developers are from Singapore (Wooohooo!!) and they are Polytechnic and University graduates! (It’s hard not to be proud of them!) One of the primary reasons why they created this app was clearly a need that that KNEW all parents had. Our precious photos all filed away in some obscure folder, not categorised, hardly accessed and possibly forgotten. It is their hope that with Loope, all our photos can be given a new lease of life and make it fun for us to show our kids how early years were like!

Just dowload the app into your Apple device and key in all the necessary information about your kids. Then using your desktop, go to their website at http://www.loope.in/ and download your photos into the App. And Ta-da! Happy playing with Loope on your device! Currently, this app is available only for Apple devices and they are working on launching the Android version soon.

What are you waiting for? Go check it out! I’m really very sure you would be hooked on it!

*For purposes of this review, I’ve chosen to focus on Nadine’s photos only. Do note that Loope can handle any number of children, as long as their birthdate are keyed into the App. 

*All opinions are 100% my own.


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