Lifebuoy Secret Wash–Colour Changing Handwash

Nadine started a new Bollywood dance recently! And all for a good cause! She learnt the Lifebuoy Secret Wash simply by using the Colour Changing Handwash! It is so cool!

You see, to Nadine, clean hands means dirt free and stain free. As long as her hands look clean to the naked eye, it is clean! But we all know there are plenty germs in our hands and we can’t SEE them! So how do we know if our hands are cleaned? Check out Lifebuoy’s Colour Changing Handwash!

Lifebuoy Colour Changing Handwash

Bollywood Shake

Here’s how! PUMP, POWER, PEACOCK SHAKE!Colour Changing Handwash OriginalColour Changing Handwash Green hands

And #3 is the Peacock Shake which Nadine did so quickly I couldn’t get a picture of! But here’s the end result after her Bollywood Shake:

Colour Changing Handwash Clean

You see, keeping good hygiene habits for your child doesn’t have to be dull and boring; Lifebuoy Secret Wash moves show just that. There are altogether 3 different moves to master. In 10 seconds, your hands are clean! Check out this video!

Announcing a hot new contest for all Mum’s the Word readers!

From now to 23rd October, submit your child’s photo at and the first 100 submissions will receive a Limited Edition Lifebuoy Secret Wash poster featuring their child’s face along with a free full-sized Colour Changing Handwash.Bollywood Shake Poster

Quickly join the contest!

My kids are now doing the Bollywood Shake every time they wash their hands. It is hilarious to watch, but assuring to know that their hands are so so clean now!


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