I Have the Power Face Mask Design Competition!

Do you know that we can play an active role in our fight against allergies, coughs and colds? We don’t have to sit passively with all that dust or germs in the air. You and I have the POWER to fight this together! And one way to do it is to wear a Face Mask to protect ourselves.

When we think of Face Mask, we tend to think of something that constricts our speech and breathing. Very often, we think of the discomfort we face when wearing a mask. Well, not anymore! Xepa, a local pharmaceutical company wants to bring in the Fun in wearing a Face Mask. They are running a I HAVE THE POWER Face Mask Design competition from now till 31 Aug 2015 for kids to teach them about fighting allergies and colds. Together with a good grade respiratory mask, good habits like washing hands often and avoid sharing food, even the kids have POWER to fight this battle!

Join us too as we take part in designing a creative face mask!

Grab a Form

All you need to do it get the official design kit from any participating pharmacy.

The kids are free to design and colour their masks! When they are done, punch holes and insert rubber bands. And Voila! your specially designed air mask is ready!

Mask Preparation 1


I have the Power

I have the Power2

It’s easy and the kids will remember how important it is to be vigilant always in this battle against dirt, allergies and colds!

Submit your designs before 31 Aug to stand a chance to win an Aver Iconia 8 HD LED Tablet! And there are also 20 Free Art Class to be won! All the best! All the Best!!!


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