FTWM—Celebrate motherhood, life & work

This year marks my 8th year as a mummy. It also marks my 13th year as a working  adult. (you can figure out how old I am!) Out of my working life, 60% was done as a FTWM (for the uninitiated, that’s Full Time Working Mother). I thought that’s pretty amazing! However, I figured & I know for a fact that there are many many others FTWM around, and there’s really nothing much to shout about.

But there is. There’s a cause to celebrate. It is common to paint the really tough and challenging life of a FTWM. (We also describe that for SAHM, WAHM & PTWM…looks like being a momma just ain’t easy!) There are countless valid reasons why one is a FTWM. For most, it’s the practicality of a duo income. Whether it’s a reluctant decision or a willing choice, we are here to stay for sure.

So what’s there to celebrate for a FTWM? Let me count the ways… …


I celebrate my H.U.S.B.A.N.D!

Our husbands play a vital role this parenting business. For me, my husband is fully supportive of me working. He understands when work gets tough, deadlines are brought forward, meetings are delayed, and most importantly, he understands when all the above happen when there’s a stomach flu bug in the house, when there’s no more Bubblegum toothpaste, and when kid #1 pushed kid #2 down and in turn kicked kid #3. And on top of that, it’s the day before Math Test. I will come home knowing that the medication is given, the toothpaste is bought, the kids’ fight is settled. Only exception is Math. Somehow, homework and husbands aren’t friends. hahaha!

Of course this is done vice versa. When he is at work, and everything happens, Mummy fixes everything. But we’ll talk about that another day!

I celebrate my C.H.I.L.D.R.E.N

Yes! They are my pride and joy. I thank God they understand Mummy works. Although cries of “can you don’t work?” has been heard, they love it when I’m off, when there’s a public holiday and when it’s weekend. Do I want to spend more time with them? Of course I do. But until that happens, they are learning independence and discipline to follow time tables and schedules. #ea54f2

When I’m asked what do you really want that would help you now, I always answer TIME. I want more time for the kids and more time with the kids.

I celebrate my W.O.R.K.P.L.A.C.E!

I honestly won’t be able to go so far as a FTWM if not for a very supportive and family friendly environment! From infant to 3 years old, we have a office nursery! Yes, one corner of the office has rooms for babies to sleep, play, eat, and mummies to breastfeed. During lunch or when I want a break, I just pop in the nursery to check out my baby!

Our hours are flexi, we can work from home or in office. The bosses are understanding and it is not surprising that the kids know their names and are friends with them! During the school hols, you can see kids coming in to do work (ahem…assessment books!), or hang out with other kids as the company organises holiday programmes for them!

I celebrate my L.I.F.E!

Yes, I have a life! As I work, I’m keeping myself sharp mentally and learning new stuff. I keep myself relevant, I earn a salary that goes back to me and my family. And the best part, I love what I do!

Would I consider being a SAHM/WAHM/PTWM? I’m ok if the option comes along. But my own mummy was, in my opinion, the best FTWM ever, and before retiring, she was the best FTWGM too! (Full-time Working Grand-Mother) And looking around society now, there are plenty such successful FTWM with gorgeous kids and families.

It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible. We take some and we lose some. For now, this FTWM is here to stay. Celebrate with me! Hop on to read other stories of FTWMs!

SANses.com's FTWM Motherhood Madness!

SANses.com's Talkative Thursdays



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