Fit & Fab Friday: The Preparations
Today marks the 11th day of 2013. I’m relatively pleased with how my Fit & Fab new year resolution is moving along. I’ve decided to journal it down, and will be inviting my readers to join me if Fit & Fab is your resolution too!
Every Friday, come and review the week with me at the steps you’ve taken to be Fit & Fab. We are all in this together, and I’m a great believer of sharing successes and failures!
Here’s what I’ve done so far!!!
STEP 1: I measured my vital stats! Erm… Was the ideal 34-24-34? haha… well, I’m far off in every way! (btw, I bought a new weighing scale! … oh, and the IKEA tape was for measuring the stats!)
STEP 2: I had healthy meals. For one, I started to have breakfast!
For the record, my meals include:
One serving of Carbohydrates. (Usually 2 slices of plain Wholemeal bread)
Nothing deep fried. And if possible nothing fried
Lots of water and lots of clear soup
STEP 3: I started Walking/Running
STEP 4: Have health buddies to cheer you on (names deleted to protect the pre-fit personnels)
You can see, we have a chat group where we report what we ate for our meals, what we did in our exercises, and even share how we can get around tasting yummy food without the calories!
So there, my first 11 days of the year. It’s going good, I’m trying my darnest to keep at this resolution with all the above steps and by blogging about it. Talk about accountability!!
How’s your year so far? Is it still on the fit & Fab journey?

Join me below for this week’s Fit & Fab Friday!