Category: <span>nicole</span>

Let It (THEM) Go!

Ok. This is NOT about the song. And I do apologise if I got you humming it again! This is about when do you let your children be on their own. I’m not referring to moving out of your home. I’m not referring to going off to college. I’m not even referring to walking home…

I Am a Dr. Mummy

I have three kids. And as much as I want to keep them germ/virus/bacteria free, they aren’t. So when they fall sick, they ALL fall sick. (that’s best case scenario) The worst case is when they take turns to fall sick. Besides having sleepless nights to monitor the sick child, ensuring that the temperature doesn’t…

Ahhhh! My Daughter Has To Wear Glasses!

I thank God I don’t need to wear glasses. (I would probably need reading glasses, but that’s another story!) I grew up with somewhat perfect eye sight, and I truly appreciated it! The husband doesn’t wear glasses too, so we were convinced that our kids would follow through with the same great genes! Early this…

I Am The Queen of Assessment Books

Updates below! If you have never touched an assessment book in your life, you clearly haven’t studied in Singapore. A wise man once said, “The more assessments you do, the better your results” (ok, I lied. I came up with that!) So being the very good mummy that I am, not wanting to short-change my…

Daily Morning Routines for Primary School

Today is Day 4 in school for Nicole & Nathan. As expected, things are slowly falling into a steady routine. The kids pack their bags the night before, get school uniform ready, put their shoes and socks by the door and go to bed. In the morning, again, as expected, there’s gnashing of teeth, grumpy…

Pocket Money & Allowances for Primary School

Today is the first day of school. Nicole is going Primary 3 and Nathan is going Primary 1. One of the most important things about starting school is POCKET MONEY or ALLOWANCES! Yup, money talks even at this young age. I’ve contemplated about this for a while. Should we give daily allowances? How about weekly?…

Post Christmas

Christmas… the most wonderful time of the year! What a great time we had with our family and friends! And what a super time we had feasting and feasting! And what comes next? For us, it’s a super holiday for the entire family… Yes a SUPER holiday before that dreaded day when school starts on…
