Baking with a Philips Jamie Oliver Blender

Recently, we the kids had a day off from school and we decided to make it a baking day. The kids wanted something Chocolate, something for breakfast. I wanted something easy to make, and something that I can throw into the blender. So we decided on a Chocolate Custard Pie.

And we did it! It was simple! Ingredients Chocolate custard

Blender use

Blender 3 min use

I was really a little hesitant when I poured the mix into the baking tin. It was so liquid! (look at that 3 min later photo!) I was so worried about the texture, I didn’t take any pictures. I was not sure at all if it would turn out right.

And when it was ready, there was a lovely lovely aroma. The slight whiff of the chocolate was amazing. I opened the oven and all the kids were there awaiting the yummy Chocolate Custard. Chocolate Custard Pie

Ok. So I’ll never be a food photographer…. But trust me, the pie was delicious, the texture was “wobbly” (kids’ vocabulary) and it was so easy to make!

Remember I said I was a Blender Virgin in my previous post? Well, I’m now not only a novice, I’m also a convert. Those blades in the Philips Jamie Oliver Blender are so sharp, they really blend everything together with very smooth consistency. We have had juices and smoothies thus far, but more than that, we have been baking lots too! Here are my lazy secret reasons why:

  • This blender mixes stuff way faster and better than a mixer!
  • You don’t have to prepare and chop the various ingredients into small parts. Just regular size that fits into the top of the blender would do
  • The washing-up is just one easy to clean glass container
  • During ‘Blending’, the food is contained. There is no splatter, no extra mess to clean
  • It is safe and child-friendly. There’s no way a child’s finger or hair can be caught by the blades and be blended in!
  • Inner voice telling me that Jamie Oliver co-designed this. Enough said.

You know what’s some of my top Google searches these days? “Blender Cake”, “Blender Soup”, “Blender Recipes”, “Blender Bake”, “Blender Cook” (you get the idea!)

I wasn’t lying when I said I’m a Blender Convert!

Keep life sim­ple with the PHILIPS | Jamie Oliver range which includes a food proces­sor (S$268), blender (S$128) and hand blender (S$108). Avail­able at lead­ing elec­tron­ics and depart­men­tal stores.

Dis­claimer: I received the Philips Jamie Oliver Blender for review, and this is a part of a series of posts on Philips kitchen products.

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