AXA Family Advantage

I remember when I first became pregnant  10 years ago. There was so much to do, so much to learn and all must be done by ourselves, no substitutes allowed. We quickly plunged ourselves into the role and did as much as we could to prepare for baby’s arrival.

I just heard now there’s a pre-natal insurance coverage for the pregnant mummies! Woah!! That was unheard of years ago (no one wanted to cover us then!!) And the coverage is so comprehensive!

The pre-natal plan is by one of the premier insurance companies—AXA. Known as the AXA Family Advantage, this allow couples, when expecting a child, the flexibility to sleeve from 8 different types of protection, savings and investment plans for themselves to prepare to be parents! The plan also offers pre-natal coverage for an expectant mother and subsequently when the child is born. The parents can choose to insure their child in a straightforward process with no health questions asked!


Looking at it now, I feel the AXA Family Advantage is fantastic for new parents. It’s nerve wrecking enough to worry about a new-born’s health. We all want the best for baby and not worry about the finances. With the plan, the parents can make decisions without worrying about costs. And at the same time, there is a savings and investment plan in place for the child!

I remember Nicole warded in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) because she have very very severe Jaundice. Then she had suspected Urinary Reflux and had to go through various tests. It was NOT CHEAP!!! I really wish we had this plan then!


Check out this video for more info!

In conjunction with this launch, AXA is running a Radio Contest which YOU can join in, to win a Home Cleaning session. A very dedicated AXA Daddy Rescue team will come and mop, clean, wipe and even sing Acapella for you! Above that, you stand a chance to sin a Babycation Weekend Stay for TWO at Capella, Sentosa (worth $2,000)!!!


All you need to do is to participate in the Radio contest with Class 95 between 6am to 10am , with a weekly winner being selected on the 21st of August, 28th of August and 4th of September. (There will be a total of 3 weekly winners) 

How to join:

SMS AXA <space> Name <space> NRIC <space> Why you deserve this house cleaning, to 76677. (The most creative reason wins!)

Contest ends on the 17th of September and the grand prize will be announced on the 18th of September.

Click to find out more about AXA Family Advantage.


*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored conversation with AXA. All opinions are 100% my own. 


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