A-Z on Mum’s the Word

I saw this at Play to Learn with Sarah, and decided this is a good time to do an A-Z with Mum’s the Word. Here goes!

A. Attached or Single? Attached…Happily married since 2001!

Married 12 years

B. Best Friend? I don’t think I can name all of them! Many BFs, a handful of BFFs!
C. Cake or pie? Cake. Definitely any time.

Chocolate Cake

D. Day of choice? Saturday. Sleep in day!!
E. Essential Item? Mobile Phone for sure.
F. Favorite color? Pink or Purple (under my girls’ influence, these colors really are pretty!)
G. Gummy bears or worms? Erm… Gummies?
H. Home town? Sunny Hazy Singapore
I. Favorite Indulgence? Chocolates in any form


J. January or July? January. I love beginnings
K. Kids? Three. Period.
L. Life isn’t complete without? God, Family and Friends. And thus, whatsapp & Skype    M. Marriage date? 28 May 2001
N. Number of brothers/sisters? 1 sister
O. Oranges or Apples? Red Crunchy Apples
P. Phobias? Cats. Both domestic or wild.
Q. Quotes? WITH God, all things are possible. Just stay with Him.
R. Reasons to smile? A good book, Earl Grey & Desserts,
S. Season of choice? Sunny. hahaha no other seasons here!
T. Tag 5 People. How to?
U. Unknown fact about me? I go to sleep with toes covered. They are seriously vulnerable.
V. Vegetable? Chye Sim. Every bit. The stems especially.
W. Worst habit? Nail biting. I tried quitting. It’s hard.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? As in which I prefer? Ultrasound I guess. Not so alone.
Y. Your favorite food? Chocolates!!!
Z. Zodiac sign? Gemini

Why A-Z today? It’s my birthday you see! I thought it’s fitting for me to be self centred and talk just about me.. hehehe…

Happy Birthday

Tell me about YOU today! Have a great day!

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